Tuesday 21 July 2009

Tuesday update

After yesterday's slog it was time to watch some more obvious candidates today. I started Mr Smith Goes To Washington (#96) but put it on hold, as Ev joined me for Taxi Driver (#38), which was amusing and compelling in parts but ultimately we both felt it was a bit pointless, as if it finished before it really began. Certainly I have no idea how to it got to such a high position, above films like Lawrence of Arabia and Alien, but there we go. He also stayed for the first half of my 100th film, The Big Lebowski (#155), which was frickin' hilarious, even as a I felt a bit sad laughing by myself for the second half of it. That also made two films in a row featuring actresses who've played Clarice Starling, which is a not-very-interesting minutia for you. I ended the day by polishing off Mr Smith Goes To Washington, which really exceeded my expectations, a classic black-and-white tale of American liberties and political corruption; subjects close to my heart in any case. Good day all round.

Ev also suggested the excellent idea of constructing my own 250 as I go along, so I'll catch up with the back log tomorrow and then start doing it as an on-going table, rather like something on Top Gear (apparently).

Slightly off-topic, I spent the morning at a seminar on "Chinese Cultural Awareness", which basically involved being told by various Chinese people that Chinese traditional medicine works better than Western medicine. I can't stand people talking such bullshit about things that make real people die, so I was obliged to point out what a crock the whole thing was, and then the atmosphere got a bit awkward. But some German philosopher in the audience was nodding sagely along with me so it was reassuring to see that not all semblance of sanity has evacuated the University.

Tally: 100.

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